News and information
United for Business - Customer Connection 2022
Virtual presentation for United Airlines for Business
November 2022
United Airlines is commited to address accessibility in business travel
Accessio was asked to develop and present a virtual session on accessibility in business travel at the United Airlines Customer Connection event on November 16, 2022. About 1,600 travel professionals watched the event online and/or the recorded sessions afterwards.
In line with United Airlines DE&I initiatives, the presentation made the clear case for the critical importance of addressing the needs of the traveling business population with accessibility requirements. This is a large and significant segment of the traveling team force, with a direct impact on the companies’ ability to fufill their corporate missions and strenghten their bottom line.
Survey and Report on Accessible Business Travel
Accessio publishes the first-of-its-kind report on Accessible Business Travel
November 2022
Accessio, in partnership with United Airlines, Salesforce and others, undertook a first-of-its-kind research project on accessible business travel with the goal to better understand the major issues faced by travelers and travel managers in addressing travel accessibility challenges. We designed and distributed the surveys over the summer, gathering data from over 450 travel managers and travelers at over 130 companies. These companies, including some of the largest in the US, represent a wide spectrum of the business landscape, from tech to finance, healthcare to energy, entertainment to communication, and more.
The highlights of this survey were presented at GBTA 2022 San Diego in August during a session titled "The Invisible 26%".
Report Part 1 - Data analysis
For the geeks among us who like data crunching.
Report Part 2 - The Invisible Opportunity
A lighter version of above, with a comparative analysis of the perception of accessibility issues from the travel manager versus the experience of the travelers.
Report Part 3 - Key Findings
Designed it primarily for travel managers and travel suppliers.
State of Accessible Travel - Part 2
Travel Weekly
October 3, 2022
How destinations, tours and cruise lines confront limitations while trying to accommodate all travelers — and what advisors must recognize to serve this growing market.
Accessio, an accessible travel consultancy that works with advisors, said that it is in talks with many suppliers about adding products with accessible options. Acknowledging that it will take time, the organization hopes that its work will result in more diverse products down the road.
For now, however, co-founder Mitch Gross advises agents serving clients with accessibility needs not to engage in guesswork about whether a vacation will be accommodating to disabled clients.
“You’ve got legal exposure,” he said. “You could put someone in danger. Aside from just having a lousy trip, think about disruption management, duty of care, the implications for travel insurance, all sorts of things. Don’t guess.” He encouraged advisors to seek out companies like Tapooz Travel, which specializes in tours for disabled travelers and their companions (and is owned by Accessio co-founder Laurent Roffe).
“In the near term, that’s the best thing that people can do,” Gross said. “Many suppliers, if you get to the right one, can help you piece it together. It’s a patchwork. You have to know the right people, leverage your relationships and find out. And it will take time.”
He also encouraged agencies to set up a dedicated desk and enable advisors to take time to become experts in accessible travel in order to form relationships that will better serve travelers.
State of Accessible Travel - Part 1
Travel Weekly
September 19, 2022
Travel companies are working to improve the travel experience for the disabled. Advocates say it just makes good business sense
Laurent Roffe and Mitch Gross, co-founders of accessible travel consultancy Accessio, say that while demand for accessible travel is increasing, the supply of products ready for travelers isn’t keeping pace. The good news, they say, is that there is a strong appetite to make travel easier for disabled travelers, and that is largely because the segment is financially attractive.
“There is really a need to improve the experience for so many people out there, but there also is this huge overlooked commercial opportunity,” Gross said. “And that’s important, because social initiatives that don’t have a good financial grounding don’t last. They can’t. They end up being flavor of the week.”
Accessio’s research indicates that more than 20% of travelers have some kind of accessibility requirement and that they are big spenders: Travelers with accessibility needs are more likely than those without to stay in four-plus-star hotels and fly in premium economy, business and first classes.
It’s a “classic business school definition of an attractive segment,” Gross said.
Embarrassing, Uncomfortable And Risky
The Company Dime
August 19, 2022
Embarrassing, Uncomfortable And Risky: What Flying Is Like For Passengers Who Use Wheelchairs
The New York Times chronicled the domestic trip of a passenger who uses a wheelchair and found that air travel in the United States can be embarrassing, uncomfortable and perilous. Meanwhile at the Global Business Travel Association convention, seminar attendees this week heard about new survey results on accessibility in business travel. Consultancy Accessio said the poll showed those with an awareness of the challenges "strive" to address them, but a lack of processes and policies can lead to confusion and inefficiency.
Business Travel News
May 23, 2022
While few bright spots have emerged as part of the global pandemic, the seismic shift to hybrid workplaces has been a game-changer for physically challenged workers.
"Hybrid and remote work make it easier for the physically challenged to be in the workforce,” said Mitch Gross, co-founder of accessibility-minded travel consultancy Accessio, which was established during the pandemic and now advises travel agencies and suppliers about offering programs and solutions for this population. “DEI initiatives have specifically targeted this audience. As equals, they can have the full robust experience that every other employee has," Gross added, "except when they travel."
The Company Dime
April 20, 2022
Diversity, equity and inclusion efforts have been getting a lot of attention recently, but physical and psychological disabilities continue to make travel more difficult for millions, according to the founders of a new consultancy. They argue that the travel industry is overdue in recognizing and better accommodating this large and growing population.
Accessible travel advocate and tour operator Laurent Roffé and travel distribution veteran Mitch Gross founded Accessio this year. The firm seeks to guide both travel buyers and suppliers on how to make the experience positive and productive for all types of travelers. Beyond being the right thing to do, they said, there were a few reasons why the moment had come.
Travel Weekly
Feb 28, 2022
A new consultancy, Accessio, has launched to help the travel industry better serve people with disabilities.
Founded by Mitch Gross and Laurent Roffe, Accessio is focused on helping companies create accessible travel products, services and programs.
While Roffe has been working in accessible travel for the past decade, Gross has been consulting in recent years. He was previously the president of Travelport in the Americas and president of Travelex Insurance Services.
February 2022
About Accessio
Accessio helps companies create extraordinary accessible travel programs, products and services to complete their DEI and ESG missions. We are completely dedicated to travel accessibility and bring a unique combination of accessible travel and travel distribution and technology expertise to our client companies. Through a rigorous and transparent process, we review their current position, assess their potential, devise and implement customized strategies and result-oriented solutions with strong financial results.